I mainly work with textile and mixed media sculpture as well as photography, video and performance.
The body is almost always present in my work and its complexity and significance fascinates me; how something so concrete and obvious is also so complicated and difficult. How views on, and definitions of, sexuality, normality and obscenity are woven through our physics and subconscious.
My practice is both conceptual and confessional with a strong focus on the process, the body and the experiences that stem from it. The choice of material plays a big role from an environmental point of view as well as from my attraction to the limitations and challenges of working with recycled materials and I’m interested in the emotional and intellectual history of the objects.
I sometimes see my work as three-dimensional puzzles. I collect materials that I disassemble and reassemble in order to find and understand the final solution of the form. In a similar way, I like to take the body apart, sort out the parts and go through them one by one. Bending, turning and repeating into new entities.